If you've added many gadgets and like to quickly delete several of them, consider using the Customize gadgets dialog (accessible via the 'gear' button at the bottom). In order to do that, click the Show actions button in its top right corner and choose Delete gadget from the menu the gadget will be removed.
If you don't need a previously added gadget anymore, you can remove it from the left sidebar. You can also resize the sidebar by dragging its right border to the width you like. The sidebar can be scrolled using the arrow buttons at the bottom. Note that you can have up to 15 gadgets at a time on the left sidebar, however only a subset of these will be onscreen at any given time depending on their heights. Click on the name of the gadget you would like to display it will be immediately added. To add a gadget, click the 'plus' button at the bottom of the sidebar. It is up to you to decide which gadgets to keep there refer to pages in this section, to learn more about each of them. The content of the left sidebar is completely customizable. These gadgets allow you to view some trading information immediately, watch news or even distract yourself by playing a couple of built-in games without needing to leave the main window of the platform. The left sidebar is an area in the thinkorswim interface where you keep gadgets necessary for your work.